

New Hampshire 200 Highest Finishers

Note: Finishers are not listed by date completed but alphabetically by last name.
Winter finishes are noted by a white background for the date.

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Name Date Completed Last Peak
Ryan Aschbrenner Oct 20, 2018 Mt Cardigan
Jack Barry Sep 18, 2014 Mount Monadnock
Lyn Beattie Mar 4, 2004 Howe Peak
Brian Bond May 28, 2017 Northwest Crystal
Mary Bond May 28, 2017 Northwest Crystal
Mike Bromberg Sept 24, 2022 Owlscliff
Denise CarignanAug 15, 2021 Crystal Mt, North Peak
Liam CooneyOct 29, 2022 Jericho Mountain
Dorothy Corey Feb 17, 2008 Big Attitash
Jim Crawford Sep 11, 2004 West Prospect Hill
Bill Cronin Jun 14, 2020 Shoal Pond Peak
Bryan Cuddihee Mar 9, 2014 Rice Mountain
Mar 12, 2017 South Deer Mt, Pittsburg
Mike Distefano Sep 13, 1998 Bartlett Haystack
Lewis Dow May 19, 2018 Mt Cardigan
Gordon Dubois Oct 19, 2018 Black Mt. Northwest Peak.
Charlie & Nancy Foote Oct 21, 2012 North Moat
Lisa Fregeolle May 28, 2017 Northwest Crystal
Rick Fregeolle May 28, 2017 Northwest Crystal
Theresa Gerene Oct 19, 2023 Mt Blue-West Peak
Amy Patenaud Gunn Nov 6, 2016 Black Mt. (Lincoln)
Mar 20, 2023 Middle Whitcomb
Richard Hambrick Oct 28, 2023 Mt Chocorua
Ed Hawkins May 7, 2012 West Baldface
Clarence "Larry" Labonte Sep 13, 1998 Bartlett Haystack
Michael LaRoss Aug 24, 2019 West Baldface
Pierre Lefebvre Aug 11, 2019 West Royce
Matthew Kulas July 30, 2022 Magalloway
Fran Maineri Oct 19, 2018 Black Mt. Northwest Peak
John McHugh Dec 8, 2016 South Engine Hill
Ryman McLane Sep 11, 2017 Scott Bog Mountain
Nate Mulherin June 29, 2022 West Baldface
Brian K Miville Jun 3, 2014 Black Snout
Henry Perles Sep 13, 1998 Bartlett Haystack
John Person Aug 21, 2002 East Weetamoo
Trevor "Hockey Puck" Pope Sept 25, 2021 West Baldface
Zachary Porter Aug 12, 2014 Mount Pisgah
Dec 24, 2018 Greens Cliff
Joseph Richardson Sep 28, 2013 The Horn
Ed Robertson Mar 4, 2004 Howe Peak
Mark Rolerson Oct 5, 2012 East Stairs
Karl Sanfacon Oct 10, 2015 South Black Crescent
Bill Schor Nov 15, 2017 Crystal North
Dennis Spurling Sep 5, 2009 Mount Magalloway West Peak
J.R. Stockwell Jun 16, 2013 West Baldface
Beth Zimmer Oct 11, 2014 Eagle Cliff
John Thompson Jun 25, 2016 Rogers Ledge